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Classic Hidrokeeper

Superabsorbent experts

Classic Hidrokeeper / Farming

Hidrokeeper® is a product developed specifically for agriculture that absorbs large amounts of water and delivers it to the plant during the dry season.

It is an immediate solution to the problems of water scarcity in crops and plantations.


The Hidrokeeper® product line has the following benefits:

    • Reduces the mortality rates of plantations.

    • Allows the development of crops in extreme climates.

    • Reduces the consumption of irrigation water.

    • Reduces nutrient loss.

    • Improves productivity.

    • Anticipate crops.


It has been used successfully for years in a wide variety of crops worldwide. Entities such as UNDP, FAO, IICA, Alpine Foundation and multiple farmers and government entities include it in their projects in dry areas.


The costs of implementing this technology are very low compared to any other crop drought mitigation system. The only decrease in irrigation, pays the product in a short time.

Production costs with the inclusion of this technology increase only 1% in the forestry sector, 3.7% in the banana sector and 2.6% in coffee to name just a few crops.

This investment, which is made only once, protects the plantations for 5 years.